‘Mortal Kombat 2’: What to Expect

If you’re having trouble figuring out what that guy from the rooftops is screaming, he’s more than likely shouting the immortal words “Mortal Kombat!” That’s because things are finally starting to get moving on Mortal Kombat 2, the sequel to the smash hit video game adaptation from 2021.

Until recently, video game adaptations were some of the most reviled and notorious movies.

Fans of the games hated them, and movie studios were terrified of them since they almost always ended up as box office bombs.

Those attitudes have since changed with the rise of hit adaptations like The Super Mario Bros.

Movie and The Last of Us series, but long before those proved the genre had viability, there was one outlier that proved good video game movies could be done.

That movie was the bafflingly-not-r-rated Mortal Kombat (1995), which brought the infamous-yet-beloved fighting game series to life in spectacular fashion.

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