‘National Lampoon’s Vacation’ Gets This Right About Road Trips

From the minute Clark Griswold (Chevy Chase) drives home in the Wagon Queen Family Truckster, National Lampoon’s Vacation nails the horror that is the family road trip vacation.

For some, the family vacation is a level of Hell that Dante would have trouble defining in words.

It typically involves driving cross-country for hours on end, with an unceasing chorus of “Are we there yet?” being cried out from the back seats and a patchy 8-track of John Denver’s album of greatest hits playing on a continuous loop.

Vacation is more than just a comedy.

It is instantly relatable to anyone who ever sat in a station wagon for a long-haul marathon: the boredom, the tourist traps, the mishaps, and, in the end, the destination not meeting up to its lofty expectations.

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