Neill Blomkamp Isn’t Sure ‘District 10’ Is Still Getting Made: “I Don’t Know If I Even Want To Make That Right Now”

While “Gran Turismo” won the weekend box office the past few days, it’s clear the Sony film from director Neill Blomkamp isn’t going to break any records.

But if Blomkamp were to commit to the long-awaited sequel to his Oscar-nominated film, “District 9,” aptly titled “District 10,” then maybe the filmmaker would be looking at a true blockbuster.

Unfortunately for fans hoping to see it, though it has been announced, it’s clear “District 10” isn’t at the top of Blomkamp’s to-do list.Continue reading Neill Blomkamp Isn’t Sure ‘District 10’ Is Still Getting Made: “I Don’t Know If I Even Want To Make That Right Now” at The Playlist.

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