Netflix: Here’s Why the Dubbed Version of Foreign Shows Like ‘Dark’ and ‘3%’ Is the Default Setting

IndieWire has championed many of the foreign-language offerings available on Netflix, from Brazil’s dystopian “3%” and Japan’s reality show “Terrace House” to Belgium’s “Hotel Beau Sejour” and the twisted German thriller “Dark.” Our stance on how to experience these shows aurally for optimum enjoyment has never changed: choose the original language audio with English subtitles.Naturally, most people who want to experience foreign content authentically prefer subtitles, which is why it’s both jarring and frustrating to turn on one of these series for the first time on Netflix and hear out-of-sync dubbed dialogue.

Going through the process of changing the settings to subtitles can be annoying as well.Read More:The Best Netflix Foreign Language Shows Worth Bingeing, Part 1Despite people’s assertions that they prefer subtitles, however, Netflix claims it knows viewers better than they know themselves.

In an eye-opening Variety story, Netflix reveals some of the secrets of its operations,

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