One Of I Know What You Did Last Summer’s Most Famous Scenes Was Directed By A Random Kid

Fandom can be a viciously opinionated part of pop culture.

Make us fall in love with a franchise and quickly watch as we designate ourselves as the chosen experts of everything about it.

This passion often means we hold strong opinions about the way things should play out on screen, but rarely do we ever get the chance to make our versions of the story come to life.Fandom also has a tendency to latch onto moments in movies or shows that seem drastically overdone or out of place.

We love ridiculous scenes that we can quickly turn into fodder for the meme mill.

James Van Der Beek ugly crying on a dock in “Dawson’s Creek,” Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson screaming at each other in “Marriage Story,” Joaquin Phoenix dancing down the stairs in “Joker,” and if you really want to dive deep into the meme world, Robert Pattinson

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