Oppenheimer And The Big Bang Theory Share A Small But Significant Connection

Christopher Nolan is a very smart man who makes very smart movies (and “The Dark Knight Rises“), so it’s fitting that he would be drawn to J.

Robert Oppenheimer, the theoretical physicist who led the Manhattan Project and created the most awesomely destructive weapon in human history.

It’s also not surprising that a man who’s never made a bad movie (save for “The Dark Knight Rises) aced his biopic assignment with “Oppenheimer,” which is currently torching the global box office and looking an awful lot like this year’s Best Picture frontrunner.Part of what makes Nolan one of the finest filmmakers of his generation is his respect for expertise.

When, for instance, he makes a movie about astronauts traveling through a wormhole, he collaborates with the man who wrote the literal, and thus-far definitive, book on the subject (theoretical physicist Kip Thorne).

And when the payoff is a brainy masterpiece like “Interstellar,…

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