Ozark Changed Jason Bateman’s Perspective On His Role In The Filmmaking Process

As much as “Ozark” depends on all-star showings from Laura Linney and Julia Garner, it could never work without Jason Bateman’s performance.

The desperation and coldness that he imbues in Marty Byrde are staples of the dark sense of humor that makes the show so compelling to watch.

And as the Emmy-winning director of nine out of 44 “Ozark” episodes, Bateman’s contribution to the show went well beyond acting.Bateman began working as a child actor in 1980, playing the adopted son of the Ingalls family for 20 episodes in the late seasons of “Little House on the Prairie.” As his TV career evolved, he tested out directing with one-episode jobs on sitcoms like “Valerie,” “Family Matters,” and “Arrested Development” in the ’90s and 2000s, some of which he starred in and others where he was only in the crew.His turn in the “Ozark” director’s chair began with the first two episodes,

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