‘Pretty Woman’ and ‘The Princess Diaries’ Share One Moment in Common

Often when sitting down to watch a movie, especially one which is based in a popular genre, we will feel a strong sense of déjà vu.

It’s possible that this is due to films becoming more repetitive and clichéd, especially in genres such as romantic comedy or horror where tropes will regularly be recycled to the point of parody.

Once in a blue moon, however, the film’s familiar feeling will have been the result of an intentional joke, especially when it comes to Pretty Woman and The Princess Diaries, both directed by the late rom-com king Garry Marshall.

The most eagle-eyed of fans may have noticed the similar scenes, which involved Julia Roberts and Anne Hathaway both causing a commotion at a fine-dining event, and a considerate waiter played by Allan Kent stepping in to help – afterward saying in the most understated manner that “It happens all the time.

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