‘Rabbit Hole’ Sends Kiefer Sutherland Down a Familiar Path — for Fans and Action Junkies Alike

Brian de Palma’s “Mission: Impossible” — the first film of Paramount’s ongoing action franchise — starts with a con inside a con.

Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) and his team are sent to retrieve some dangerous doodad or another, only to see the operation go very, very wrong.

People die.

Hunt is labeled a traitor.

Only after coming face to face with the man sent to bring him — and some very fast running (the only way Cruise can) — does he manage to escape.

Then he’s in the wind, left to pinpoint who betrayed him, why, and how he can clear his name.Why am I bringing up a movie from 1996 in a review for a TV show debuting in 2023? No reason.

Let’s talk about “Rabbit Hole,” the first season of Paramount’s new action series, which starts with a con inside a con.

John Weir (Kiefer Sutherland) and his

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