Ready Player One – Spielberg’s sci-fi thriller finds joy in pop culture

The virtual reality adventure sacrifices depth for chaotic genre pleasuresBased on Ernest Cline’s 2011 sci-fi bestseller, Steven Spielberg’s busy adaptation is metatextual in its fascination with the limits, loopholes and crossover points of the self-contained universes artists create.

The year is 2045, and in the Stacks, a greying junkyard in Columbus, Ohio, humans reside in trailers but live in the Oasis, a fantastically detailed Technicolor virtual reality accessed through headsets and haptic suits.

Before he died, its creator, James Halliday (Mark Rylance), planted an Easter egg in his virtual world.

The first person to reach it – after finding three hidden keys and their clues – would inherit his fortune, as well as the Oasis itself.

Leading the race is gamer geek Wade Watts (Tye Sheridan) via his avatar Parzival, alongside his virtual friends, the orc-like Aech (whose real-world reveal I won’t spoil here) and Olivia Cooke’s Art3mis,

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