Rent’s Due! Sweet, Sick ‘Small Apartments’ Lets You Vicariously Kill Your Landlord with Matt Lucas

On Friday nights, IndieWire After Dark takes a feature-length beat to honor fringe cinema in the streaming age.First, the spoiler-free pitch for one editor’s midnight movie pick — something weird and wonderful from any age of film that deserves our memorializing.Then, the spoiler-filled aftermath as experienced by the unwitting editor attacked by this week’s recommendation.The Pitch: Switzerland-Obsessed Weirdo Commits Murder and Spreads His Wings in a Tragicomic Case of the Butterfly EffectIt’s almost the 1st; do you know where your landlord is?Since before the days of cavemen, our pack-minded species has been forced to share resources to ensure its survival.

The advent of the supermarket means we’re no longer made to squabble over food and water like bipedal extras in “The Lion King.” But around the world people of all cultures and kinds continue to clamor into the makeshift hives we call…

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