Samuel L. Jackson Details Spike Lee Feud Over ‘Malcolm X’ Casting

Samuel L.

Jackson is detailing his 1992 falling out with Spike Lee that took more 20 years to rebuild.Jackson, in a wide-ranging interview with Vulture, shared that the creative split from Lee was due to a “Malcolm X” salary dispute which ultimately led Jackson to turn down the role of Baines in the historical epic.

Albert Hall was cast instead.“I actually read with most of the people who auditioned for ‘Malcolm X,’” Jackson said, after starring in Lee’s “Jungle Fever,” “School Daze,” and “Do the Right Thing” prior.

“I was supposed to be the guy that turned Malcolm X on to Islam in prison.

I forget who played that role.

But it was still down to that Spike Lee scale-plus-10 salary thing.

I was like, ‘I’m not going to work for no scale-plus-10.’”The “scale plus 10” salary refers to a pay rate for actors with a…

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