Samuel L. Jackson’s Funniest Role Was in This Underrated Crime Comedy

Samuel L.

Jackson is such a great ensemble player, but his comedic talents are often utilized for the sake of expositional chunks in major blockbusters.

There are certain filmmakers like Spike Lee and Quentin Tarantino who really know how to utilize Jackson’s comedic range.

However, recent films like Robocop, The Legend of Tarzan, and a majority of his performances as Nick Fury within the Marvel Cinematic Universe do nothing more than bring Jackson in to add one-liners in between expositional chunks.

However, the underrated buddy comedy film Formula 51 (previously called The 51st State) was the rare time he got to play a lead role beyond an elevated cameo.

It was a film that showed why Jackson worked so well in both action and comedy roles, and it also gave him the chance to star opposite Robert Carlyle.

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