‘Sequin in a Blue Room’ Review: A Striking, Highly Stylized Plunge Into 21st-Century Gay Hookup Culture

We never learn the name of the main character in Samuel Van Grinsven’s fearless queer debut, “Sequin in a Blue Room.” Anonymous is just the way he likes it.

Using a gay cruising app, he goes by the handle “Sequin,” seeking casual, no-strings sex from strangers.

Once the hookup’s complete, he blocks the other party, so they can’t contact him again.

And then he goes searching for his next thrill.A redheaded twink who meets his trysts in a sparkling silver club top, Sequin is just 16, but he knows what he wants — or at least he thinks he does.

Such confidence can be disarming, since most kids haven’t figured themselves out yet at that age, which makes them easy prey for more experienced partners.

But Sequin seems to intuit the power that youth and beauty confer upon someone in his position, and this single-minded young man

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