Several Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse Cameos Will Delight Animation Fans

This post contains spoilers for “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.”Spider-Man has almost as long a history in animation as he does in the comic pages where he originated.

That’s why the “Spider-Verse” films’ conceit — placing different Spider-People together and representing them with different styles of animation — is so clever.

While the original “Into the Spider-Verse” featured only six Spider-People teaming up, the sequel “Across the Spider-Verse” takes things into overdrive with hundreds of them.

This fulfills the promise of a Spider-Verse.Most of these Spider-People are simple cameos or easter eggs — they’re all going about their day in Miguel O’Hara’s (Oscar Isaac) citadel on Earth-928 and the film rarely lingers on them.

However, knowledgeable Spider-Fans will spot some stars among the crowd.

“Across the Spider-Verse” treats all Spider-Man audiovisual media as part of one big web.

So, like how “Spider-Man: No Way Home” united the live-action Spider-Man actors,…

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