Star Trek Neglected Worf’s Brother Kurn, And We’re Here To Fix That

In the “Star Trek: The Next Generation” episode “Sins of the Father,” Worf (Michael Dorn) learned that he had a brother named Kurn (Tony Todd) who arrived on the Enterprise to recruit Worf for a special mission.

It seems that their deceased father, Mogh, had been posthumously accused of treason by the Klingon High Council.

Worf and Kurn needed to go back to the Klingon homeworld to make an appeal and clear their father’s name; in Klingon society, the crimes of one generation implicate the next.

Worf and Kurn, if they are unsuccessful, will be excommunicated from Klingon society — a grievous shame indeed — and executed in their father’s staid.At the end of the episode, it was revealed that Mogh had been framed …

by the father of Duras (Patrick Massett), a Klingon nobleman and heir to the throne.

It seems that everyone knows how dirty Duras was, but to expose…

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