Star Wars Has Never Had a Character Quite Like Ahsoka Tano

Women in science fiction and other fictional genres have suffered the unfortunate fates of being underdeveloped or being trapped by unnecessarily limiting character stereotypes.

The Bechdel Test may cover an overarching look at how femme characters are given roles in different forms of media, but can only call out the lack of attention given to women in pop culture.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars took extra lengths to supplement the nuances of what George Lucas’s live-action prequel trilogy couldn’t fit in.

It took a closer look at character relationships, individual growth, and the pressures of intergalactic turmoil while maturing more each season.

Ashley Eckstein’s Ahsoka Tano has earned praise for being one of Star Wars’ most prominent femme leads, and her complicated storyline breaks the mold of how women are portrayed in a galaxy far, far away.

It can be argued that there need to be greater risks taken when telling femme stories,…

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