Steve Has Always Deserved Better on ‘Sex and the City’

Sex and the City is all about the four leading women, which is of course its best quality, but given that the show is called Sex and the City, it was expected that some love interests would appear frequently throughout the six seasons.

The characters cycled through many a man to find Mr.

Right, with some fading into the background and being forgotten about fairly quickly, and others leaving a prominent mark on the show.

One of the most prime examples is Steve Brady (David Eigenberg) who played Miranda’s (Cynthia Nixon) love interest on and off throughout the series and films.

Steve first appeared in the Season 2 episode “The Man, the Myth, the Viagra” as a bartender with whom Miranda has a one-night-stand.

He’s steady, dependable, funny, and head over heels for Miranda.

He perfectly complements her and helps her relax and loosen up — they’re a great match.

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