Steven Soderbergh Intended Secret Series ‘Command Z’ for TikTok, but Switched to a Format He Felt a ‘Facility for’

It’s a good time to be a Steven Soderbergh fan.

Last week saw the premiere of his deliciously twisty new crime thriller “Full Circle” on Max, and on July 17, the prolific director dropped a surprise web series, “Command Z,” on his Extension 765 site.

The series — split into eight episodes and around an hour and 40 minutes total — is a playful and hilarious satire that sees the director back in his “Schizopolis” mode, with Michael Cera as the AI-generated ghost of an Elon Musk-esque tech guru who implements a plan for select employees to travel back in time and clean up the mess he and other titans of politics and industry made of the world.

The series is deadly serious in its substance, reckoning with ambitious ethical and philosophical questions related to mankind’s most self-destructive tendencies, yet the delivery mechanism for its ideas is the most gleefully entertaining comedy Soderbergh has made in decades.

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