Streaming: curate your own Cannes film festival

With this year’s festival called off, a trawl through past winners of the Palme d’Or yields streaming gems from Brief Encounter to Blow-Up, The Leopard to The SquareBring out your tiniest violins: in a normal year I’d be writing this column from the balmy French Riviera, with a glass of rosé at my side, amid the annual Cannes film festival.

That, of course, has all been called off.

For the first time since the second world war – not counting the time things shut down halfway through amid the May ’68 movement – the festival has admitted no Cannes do.A year without Cannes leaves the arthouse release schedule a bit disoriented: traditionally, UK distributors pick over the festival’s highlights for the next year and beyond.

Through the miracle of streaming, however, you can curate your own festival of past Palmes d’Or to treasure.

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