Success Isn’t Guaranteed for a ‘Barbie’ Sequel — Some Equally Big Films Spawned Their Own Flops

Greta Gerwig’s smash hit “Barbie” (Warner Bros.) will easily make the list of the 100 biggest grossing domestic hits of all-time (adjusted for inflation), and if the film reaches a likely $600 million, it would then rank among the top 50.Naturally, expectations for a sequel rose immediately.

But the studio and Mattel executives need to be careful, because while that same list of the 100 all-time biggest hits includes 38 that had sequels, among those were some major duds, the kind that are looked back now with a “what were they thinking?” reaction.

Some serious cinephiles may not even have heard of most of these flops, let alone seen them.We’ve complied a list of 10 sequels to major hits that failed at the box office.

Eight of these sequels were spawned from entries on that list of 100 biggest domestic films ever.

The common thread: a failure to reproduce most of the original…

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