Succession’s Big Finale Brawl Was Changed To Keep Sarah Snook Safe

Perhaps Sarah Snook’s finest moment in all of “Succession” is her performance in that climactic scene in the series finale, where Shiv changes her mind and decides to vote against Kendall.

There are a million potential reasons why Shiv shivved her brother in the end — was it out of jealousy, self-preservation, a sense of justice, a desire to save her marriage, a genuine belief that Kendall wasn’t up for the job, or something else entirely? Snook leaves it to the viewer to decide.

I personally choose to believe she was motivated by her love for Tom; for me, Shiv screwing over Kendall is the “Succession” equivalent of Rachel rushing off the plane in the “Friends” finale.In addition to Snook’s performance, what makes this scene work so well is the fact that Shiv hasn’t quite made up her mind yet at the start of it.

If Kendall had handled…

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