Tag: Deep Space Nine

  • Star Trek: Lower Decks Continues One Of Deep Space Nine’s Greatest Subplots

    Star Trek: Lower Decks Continues One Of Deep Space Nine’s Greatest Subplots

    This article contains spoilers for the latest episode of “Star Trek: Lower Decks.”Talk about rags to riches. Once considered a blight on “Star Trek” with their introduction in “The Next Generation,” the Ferengi have come a long way since an inauspicious appearance that even veteran “Trek” actor Armin Shimerman once called a “disaster.” Originally conceived as…

  • Letting Jonathan Frakes Direct Star Trek Came Back To Bite The Show’s Producer

    Letting Jonathan Frakes Direct Star Trek Came Back To Bite The Show’s Producer

    Actor Jonathan Frakes’ directorial debut on “Star Trek: The Next Generation” was for the third season episode “The Offspring“, the episode where Data (Brent Spiner) builds his own android daughter (Hallie Todd). One might note that Frakes’ character, Commander Riker, didn’t appear much in that episode. This kicked off a full-blown directorial career for Frakes…

  • ‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ Director Wants to Helm a Western Episode

    ‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ Director Wants to Helm a Western Episode

    Over the years, audiences and fans of the sprawling Star Trek franchise have seen themed episodes ranging from The Next Generation’s Data (Brent Spiner) heavy Sherlock Holmes tale to Deep Space Nine’s 1960s Vegas mafia installment. But, until very recently, there was one bridge that none of the crews ever crossed — the magical and…

  • Inside the ‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ Musical Episode — ‘Picard’ Almost Got There First

    Inside the ‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ Musical Episode — ‘Picard’ Almost Got There First

    There have certainly been musical moments in “Star Trek” before: Uhura sang while Spock played his lyre in “The Original Series”; Data and Picard duet to Gilbert and Sullivan in “Insurrection”; James Darren played a holographic nightclub singer on “Deep Space Nine.” But it took “Strange New Worlds,” the critically revered Paramount+ series nearing the…

  • Best Sci-Fi Shows on Netflix Right Now (December 2022)

    Best Sci-Fi Shows on Netflix Right Now (December 2022)

    In the mood to watch a genre series? Sci-fi, superheroes, or a touch of horror? Well, we (and Netflix) have you covered. From classics like Deep Space Nine to quirky series Legends of Tomorrow — not to mention great Netflix originals like Stranger Things — below, you’ll find a list of shows that might make…

  • It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia Finally Unites The Two Great Irish Underdogs

    It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia Finally Unites The Two Great Irish Underdogs

    What’s up, jabronis? Somehow the gang behind “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” managed to make a dream come true that I didn’t even know I had: they united “Sunny” with “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” the best “Trek” of them all. In “The Gang’s Still in Ireland,” we’re finally introduced to Charlie Kelly’s (Charlie Day) biological father, an…