Letting Jonathan Frakes Direct Star Trek Came Back To Bite The Show’s Producer

Actor Jonathan Frakes’ directorial debut on “Star Trek: The Next Generation” was for the third season episode “The Offspring“, the episode where Data (Brent Spiner) builds his own android daughter (Hallie Todd).

One might note that Frakes’ character, Commander Riker, didn’t appear much in that episode.

This kicked off a full-blown directorial career for Frakes that hasn’t slowed since.

Frakes directed eight episodes of “NextGen” in totol, as well as the feature films “Star Trek: First Contact” (1996) and “Star Trek: Insurrection” (1998).Frakes would go on to direct “Thunderbirds” and “Clockstoppers,” and enter a prolific career helming episodes of high-profile TV shows like “Leverage,” “NCIS: Los Angeles,” “Burn Notice,” and “The Librarians.” He also stayed within the Trek family over the years, directing episodes of “Deep Space Nine,” “Voyager,” “Discovery,” “Picard,” and the notable crossover between “Strange New Worlds” and “Lower Decks.” He even oversaw two episodes of “The Orville,” which…

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