Tag: Duchess

  • The Iconic ‘Pulp Fiction’ Dance Was Inspired by a Cat

    The Iconic ‘Pulp Fiction’ Dance Was Inspired by a Cat

    Film and dance have long shared an enchanting relationship. However, no dance scene embodies this connection quite like the iconic moment in Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction where John Travolta and Uma Thurman take to the floor. Many may not realize that this memorable dance sequence found its roots in an unlikely source: a cartoon cat.…

  • This Is Why Meghan Markle Disappeared From ‘Fringe’

    This Is Why Meghan Markle Disappeared From ‘Fringe’

    On Suits, Meghan Markle’s paralegal-turned-attorney is her best-known role, but there was a chance that wouldn’t have been the case. A few years before the legal series aired, Markle seemed to have a steady role on Fringe. That is, until the Duchess of Sussex vanished as quickly as her character was introduced. The Season 2…