Tag: Night of the Lepus

  • ‘Night of the Lepus’ Is a Horror Movie So Ridiculous, It Works

    ‘Night of the Lepus’ Is a Horror Movie So Ridiculous, It Works

    “Ladies and gentlemen, attention! There is a herd of killer rabbits headed this way, and we desperately need your help!” It’s not exactly the kind of message one would expect to hear over the Emergency Broadcast System, but yes, in 1972’s Night of the Lepus, fluffy cottontails are overtaking a tiny Arizona town. And they’re…

  • From Jaws to Cujo: Movies Like Beast That Pit Humans vs. Animals

    From Jaws to Cujo: Movies Like Beast That Pit Humans vs. Animals

    The recently released Beast is a survival thriller featuring the ever-talented Idris Elba as Dr. Nate Samuels, a recently widowed man who visits an old family friend at a South African game reserve with his two teenage daughters. Soon, a ferocious, man-eating lion, a survivor of deadly poachers, begins attacking them and the fight for…