‘Night of the Lepus’ Is a Horror Movie So Ridiculous, It Works

“Ladies and gentlemen, attention! There is a herd of killer rabbits headed this way, and we desperately need your help!” It’s not exactly the kind of message one would expect to hear over the Emergency Broadcast System, but yes, in 1972’s Night of the Lepus, fluffy cottontails are overtaking a tiny Arizona town.

And they’re not your standard pink-nosed little cuties, either.

No, they’re giant mutated lagomorphs, stomping and chomping on anyone and anything that gets in their way.

The premise of this low-budget horror movie sounds like a screwball comedy, but it was meant to be an edge-of-your-seat horror thriller.

Starring Janet Leigh, Stuart Whitman, Rory Calhoun, Paul Fix, and a host of other heavyweights from Hollywood cinema’s golden age, Night of the Lepus is a movie that’s so wrong on so many levels, but at the time same time, so deliciously right.

How did this low-budget entry in…

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