Tag: Orson Welles

  • This Orson Welles Movie Was Ruined in the Editing Bay

    This Orson Welles Movie Was Ruined in the Editing Bay

    Orson Welles never comfortably fit in Hollywood. His debut feature, Citizen Kane, may well hold the distinction as the most acclaimed film ever made, but its success did little to deter the onslaught of problems that would plague much of his subsequent career. The Magnificent Ambersons, The Lady from Shanghai, and Touch of Evil (to…

  • The Oscars Audience (Probably) Booed ‘Citizen Kane’

    The Oscars Audience (Probably) Booed ‘Citizen Kane’

    Orson Welles was once the king of the film world, or so it would seem. With the release of Citizen Kane, Welles was anointed a wunderkind, the future of Hollywood filmmaking itself, at just 26 years old. The film got a warm critical reception but a miserable box office return, and as a consolation prize,…

  • This Star-Studded Thriller Began as an Orson Welles Passion Project

    This Star-Studded Thriller Began as an Orson Welles Passion Project

    Orson Welles is considered one of the most influential filmmakers of all time. His first foray onto the screen, Citizen Kane, is still hailed among the greatest movies ever made, and his radio play of War of the Worlds remains infamous for its impact. He was prolific and passionate and put his whole being into…

  • The Magnificent Ambersons: rebirth for ruined Orson Welles masterpiece that rivalled Citizen Kane

    The Magnificent Ambersons: rebirth for ruined Orson Welles masterpiece that rivalled Citizen Kane

    The studio ‘butchered’ the legendary director’s 1942 film. Now an ambitious project is under way to restore itThe idea of deleting scenes from a film by renowned actor-director Orson Welles would be sacrilege today. But just after he made his masterpiece Citizen Kane for Rko in 1941, studio executives butchered his next great movie, The…