Tag: Sergio Leone

  • This Classic Western Turned a Beloved Hollywood Hero Into a Vicious Monster

    This Classic Western Turned a Beloved Hollywood Hero Into a Vicious Monster

    Sergio Leone’s 1968 Hollywood epic Once Upon A Time In The West is widely praised as one of the greatest films in the Western genre (if not the greatest). The Italian director’s fourth outing in the genre, following his Clint Eastwood-starring Dollars trilogy, Once Upon A Time is both a love letter and a critique…

  • What Marvel Movies Were Like Before Disney Owned Marvel

    What Marvel Movies Were Like Before Disney Owned Marvel

    Do you recall what Marvel movies were like before Disney took over? Let’s look at it this way. Critical reception to the latest MCU release, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, has been average at best, currently rocking a Rotten 46% on Rotten Tomatoes. Even a low score like that tops pre-Disney Marvel films like Howard…

  • For a Brief Moment, Clint Eastwood Could Have Been Batman

    For a Brief Moment, Clint Eastwood Could Have Been Batman

    Clint Eastwood has played more iconic characters than nearly any other actor in film history. While his role as the enigmatic “Man With No Name” in Sergio Leone’s A Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, and The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly is perhaps his most iconic, Eastwood also directed himself in…

  • Move Over ‘Unforgiven,’ This is the Best ‘90s Western

    Move Over ‘Unforgiven,’ This is the Best ‘90s Western

    When you think of the Western genre, your mind immediately goes to names such as Clint Eastwood, Gary Cooper, Sergio Leone, John Wayne, and Jimmy Stewart. But, what about Sam Raimi? The filmmaker, known for The Evil Dead, Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man trilogy, and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness actually directed the best 1990s…

  • This Legendary Western Director Could Have Directed ‘The Godfather’

    This Legendary Western Director Could Have Directed ‘The Godfather’

    In the early stages of one’s emergence as a cinephile, you are aware of The Godfather‘s shining prestigiousness. You are informed that it is one of the finest films ever put to celluloid. Impressively, after all the pomp and circumstance surrounding its legacy, the film lives up to the fanfare. The performances by Marlon Brando,…

  • This Clint Eastwood Movie Has the Best Saloon in Any Western

    This Clint Eastwood Movie Has the Best Saloon in Any Western

    Even those with little familiarity (or interest) in the Western genre have some basic knowledge of The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. The iconic Western epic from Sergio Leone doesn’t just stand as one of the greatest Westerns ever, but one of the best movies of all-time. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly…

  • This Charles Bronson WWII Movie Pushed the Limits of Violence On-Screen

    This Charles Bronson WWII Movie Pushed the Limits of Violence On-Screen

    Charles Bronson was an immensely popular American movie star, beginning his career as an actor in the 1950s before achieving significant fame in the 1960s. He was most celebrated for his tough guy persona, his stoic characters who tended to speak more with their actions than their words, and his unique physicality on-screen. Thanks to…

  • Charles Bronson & Toshirō Mifune Teamed Up in This Samurai Spaghetti Western

    Charles Bronson & Toshirō Mifune Teamed Up in This Samurai Spaghetti Western

    Looking through the lens of pop culture, it can sometimes seem that the Spaghetti Western genre begins and ends with Sergio Leone. The same lens can also reduce the samurai genre down to the work of Akira Kurosawa. Not that being so completely defined by two masters of cinema is such a bad thing, but…

  • The Twisted Neo-Western That Starred Kit Harington and Dakota Fanning

    The Twisted Neo-Western That Starred Kit Harington and Dakota Fanning

    From Sergio Leone’s iconic Dollars Trilogy to Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s Whity, European filmmakers have harbored a longtime fascination with the Western genre since it emerged in the United States shortly after the birth of cinema. Once a layout to glorify bygone days of the American West, many European filmmakers have historically used the Westerns to…