This Legendary Western Director Could Have Directed ‘The Godfather’

In the early stages of one’s emergence as a cinephile, you are aware of The Godfather‘s shining prestigiousness.

You are informed that it is one of the finest films ever put to celluloid.

Impressively, after all the pomp and circumstance surrounding its legacy, the film lives up to the fanfare.

The performances by Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, and James Caan, and the exquisite direction by Francis Ford Coppola linger with the viewer forever.

Coppola’s remarkable achievement as a filmmaker crystallized the power of what is capable of a film director.

Despite The Godfather being a definitive film of Coppola and the medium itself, an entirely different director, Sergio Leone, almost carried out the on-screen adaptation of Mario Puzo’s novel.

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