The Boys’ Karl Urban Has One Request For Butcher In Season 4

The season 3 finale of “The Boys” left us with a lot of lingering questions, chief of which was, “What’s going to happen to Butcher?” After a season of playing around with the super-dangerous Temp V, Butcher (Karl Urban) discovers in the finale that he’s now only got about 12 to 18 months left to live.

Whoops! Hughie (Jack Quaid) should probably get himself checked too, because Butcher’s one extra dose in the finale surely couldn’t have made that big of a difference. This leaves Butcher in an interesting place going forward: he’s still driven in his quest to kill Homelander (Antony Starr) and the other evil Supes, but now he’s only got a year or so to do it.

With the show usually covering only a few months with each season, this should leave enough time for him to finish his goals before the finale, but that ending will inevitably be bittersweet.

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