The Deep’s Octopus Eating Scene In The Boys Was Uncomfortably Realistic

One of the many oddities of “The Boys” is the way that any character, no matter how terrible, suddenly transforms into an audience surrogate the moment they’re trapped in the room with Homelander.

A-Train is a selfish, murdering jerk, for instance, but it’s hard not to relate to him as Homelander starts making fun of his weight and there’s nothing A-Train can do about it.

Ashley is a power-hungry corporate stooge, but when she develops a hair-yanking habit from the sheer stress of working with Homelander, we have no trouble understanding why.

When Homelander shatters the ear-drums of an innocent, Daredevil-inspired supe, Ashley’s horrified expression perfectly matches how we feel.Such is the case with Chase Crawford’s The Deep, a character who could’ve been a main villain in any other show.

Introduced as a rapist and further characterized as a shallow loser with an unsettling fish fetish, Deep…

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