The ‘Die Hard’ Plot Hole That Pisses Us Off Every Time

With Christmas a scant three months away, what better time to look at the beloved holiday classic Die Hard? Even if you don’t buy the film as festive Christmas fare – hey, no judgment – one has to admit that it is among the great action films of all time.

But it doesn’t mean there aren’t any moments in the film that make sense.

In fact, there’s one in particular that is enough to make a guy wanna lose his s**t.

Is it dropping the dead terrorist down the elevator shaft with “now I’ve got a machine gun ho ho ho” written on his chest? Nope.

How Hans Gruber (Alan Rickman) and his dishonest host could have cut the power to the building themselves rather than wait for “standard hostage negotiation procedures”? Nada.

It’s the shoes, dammit.

And in a film that isn’t short of plot holes, John McClane…

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