The Ending of This Stephen King Movie Will Scar You For Life

Horror movies aren’t typically the cheeriest, but believe me when I say that The Mist has the biggest gut-punch of an ending in all of horror history.

This 2007 Stephen King adaptation spends most of its runtime as a super solid cosmic horror story.

It’s creepy, disgusting, mysterious, and atmospheric — all traits of many great horror movies.

Then the movie has to wrap up, and boy does it.

The final few moments of The Mist have lived on as some of the most notorious in the entire genre.

Maybe even in all of movie history! But the ending wasn’t always supposed to be this way.

King’s original novella of the same name actually has a different finale than that of the movie.

That means it was a deliberate choice by Frank Darabont and company to go the way that this movie does! Well, for better or worse, maybe we should be…

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