The Key To The Avatar: The Last Airbender Finale Was Planned From The Beginning

Avatar: The Last Airbender” ended 15 years ago with “Sozin’s Comet,” bringing to a close an epic cartoon of unprecedented proportions, a show that still stands the test of time as one of the best stories told in television, regardless of medium and genre — and to think the show was technically not picked up after season 2.The story of Aang, a young boy and the last surviving member of his nation who is tasked with ending a 100-year-old war before the whole world gets conquered by a genocidal megalomaniac, was like nothing else on TV.

This was a cartoon aimed at young audiences that nevertheless touched on themes of grief and change, but also genocide, imperialism, and the effect of war on children.

Add in a fleshed-out world, mythology on par with “Lord of the Rings,” and some of the best action in a Western animated series and you get a…

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