The Oscars Once Nominated a Person Who Doesn’t Even Exist

There are plenty of strange Oscars-related achievements.

From the time Beatrice Straight won an Academy Award for a mere five minutes of screentime in Network, to Cate Blanchett being the only person to win an Oscar for playing an Oscar winner (Katharine Hepburn in The Aviator), the prestigious ceremony has had plenty of time to generate a few odd records in its ninety-five-year history.

However, none are more peculiar than the events of the 75th Academy Awards that saw Donald Kaufman being nominated in the Best Adapted Screenplay category for Adaptation, despite no one of that name existing.

In truth, Adaptation’s script was entirely the product of the similarly named Charlie Kaufman, with Donald being a fictitious twin brother whom Charlie had invented for the film.

Considering that Adaptation was already one of the most unique films ever made – not least because of Charlie writing himself and his creation…

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