‘The Princess Bride’ Cast Reunites for Wisconsin Democratic Party Fundraiser

The cast of Rob Reiner’s 1987 film “The Princess Bride” is reuniting for a virtual script reading and fundraiser benefitting the Wisconsin Democratic Party.Reiner, Cary Elwes, Robin Wright, Carol Kane, Chris Sarandon, Mandy Patinkin, Wallace Shawn and Billy Crystal will read the script on Sept.

13 at 6 p.m.

Ct, followed by a Q&a with the cast hosted by comedian Patton Oswalt.

A donation is required to attend the virtual event, though there is no minimum amount listed.With Wisconsin being a vital swing state in the upcoming presidential election, donations “will be used to ensure that Trump loses Wisconsin, and thereby the White House,” according to the event’s website.Elwes, who portrayed Westley in the film, tweeted out the event on Friday along with the hashtag #DumpTrumperdinck, comparing President Trump to the movie’s villain, Prince Humperdinck.#Inconceivable! I’m excited to announce a virtual #PrincessBrideReunion! Chip

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