The Real Meaning of ‘Barbenheimer’: If You Build Exciting Movies, They Will Come

When the history of movies in the age of streaming, Covid and the first double strike since 1960 is written, the day of July 21, 2023, will go down as the rare date that’s actually remembered as a box-office landmark.

For that was the day that Hollywood dropped two blockbuster weapons — one pink, the other dark — both of which hit their target audiences and went boom.A downside of our franchise culture is that even when movies become big hits, their appeal often boils down to a basic expression of mass taste engineered by market forces.

Look, the “Jurassic Park” concept worked again.

Shocking! The “Mission: Impossible” series has a wild card tucked into its gamesmanship (you’re not going to get AI to do what Tom Cruise does on a motorcycle), but once you look past Cruise’s stunt mojo, even the perfectly decent new “M:i” installment has been greeted by…

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