‘The Rehearsal’ Review: In the Finale, Nathan Fielder Asks You to Trust the Process

[Editor’s Note: The following article contains spoilers for “The Rehearsal” finale — Season 1, Episode 6, “Pretend Daddy” — including the ending.]For six enthralling weeks, viewers of “The Rehearsal” have been circling back to the same question: Is Nathan Fielder’s mind-bending HBO series real or fake? We asked it when the mattress-hoarding, number-spotting Robbin seemed too good to be true, and again when he claimed his edited footage was “completely aimed at making me look bad.” We asked it when Angela took an apathetic approach to her elaborate audition for motherhood, and then questioned the target of our suspicion when it appeared she may have been acting the whole time.

We asked it, along with Fielder himself, when Nathan spotted a grocery store sticker on a “freshly picked” green pepper, except only he was able to move on by simply turning the telling vegetable around.Of course, limiting “The Rehearsal” to a binary viewpoint — real or fake, this or that

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