The Saw Franchise Has More in Common With the Bible Than We Care To Admit

The Saw movies, to put it simply, are basically just torture films.

There’s little plot, and it is really just two hours of gratuitous and gorey kills — but that’s what we’re watching them for.

So, to put Saw in the same sentence as Christianity is baffling, to say the least, but there are some deep roots that back it.

First of all, there’s a Christian version of Saw called The Reconciler, which, yes, is as ridiculous as it sounds.

It takes the basic premise of Saw but makes it faith-based, and removes the gore and fun traps — Aka, the whole reason we watch Saw in the first place.

But while The Reconciler may be a pass, underneath the blood and severed body parts of Saw some Christian themes run deep.

With the arrival of the franchise’s tenth installment, Saw X, let’s dive into the religious rivers…

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