The Simple Request That Got Suzanne Somers Fired From Three’s Company

Name a classic show and, for all its success, you’re likely to find a mess of behind-the-scenes drama between the network and its star actor(s).

The acclaimed hit series “Three’s Company” was no different, although the reason for why late star Suzanne Somers was ultimately fired from the production more than halfway through the show’s acclaimed run is certain to raise eyebrows.

In fact, it remains every bit as insidious now as it was at the time.Somers sadly passed away this week at the age of 76, leaving behind a wide-ranging legacy that largely stems from giving one of television’s most famous performances.

As the “dumb blonde” Chrissy Snow, Somers made up the all-important third leg of the trio that also included co-stars John Ritter as Jack Tripper and Joyce DeWitt as Janet Wood.

Together, the three formed the backbone for “Three’s Company” and its premise of three singles…

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