These Beloved Workplace Comedies Were Meant To Be in the Same Universe

There are striking similarities between The Office and Parks and Recreation.

Both have the same mockumentary format, each are set in a workplace, the characters all have their ‘quirks’, and even their counterparts (the elevator doesn’t go to the top floor for Kevin (Brain Baumgartner) or Andy (Chris Pratt)).

It’s not happenstance: Parks and Recreation was originally conceived as a spin-off of The Office before creators Greg Daniels and Michael Schur decided against it, choosing instead to let it stand on its own.

After a mediocre first season, Parks and Recreation turned things around in Season 2, much like…

you guessed it…

The Office.

Daniels and Schur clearly made the right decision by separating the two series, but was it a clean separation, or is there still a connection that was borne out of those original spin-off plans?…

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