This Creepy Puppet Is Actually Jim Henson’s Most Horrific Creation

Over a long and illustrious career, puppeteer Jim Henson created some of the most original and fascinating creatures in film and television.

While most of his creations were kid-friendly and comforting—like Kermit the Frog, Big Bird, and Cookie Monster among other Sesame Street and Muppets staples—Henson was equally talented at crafting creepy and unsettling characters, especially for his antagonists.

Notable baddies that showcased Henson’s aptitude for the disturbing include the Skeksis from The Dark Crystal, the Goblins from Labyrinth, and the Witches from The Witches.

However, all of these pale in comparison to one of Henson’s earlier, lesser-known creations, which managed to be utterly unnerving in its experimental design and unconventional puppetry.

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