This Harrison Ford Thriller Was Based On a ’60s TV Show

You might be a big fan of Harrison Ford’s classic thriller The Fugitive, but did you know that film was actually based on a TV show from the 1960s? That’s right, the original show, also titled The Fugitive, ran from 1963 to 1967 and was one of the most popular shows of its time.

It would go on to be remade multiple times, once for film and a couple of times for television, but the main two that ring out as a success are the 60s show and Ford’s film.

Unlike The Fugitive adaptations that came later, they both perfectly encapsulate paranoia and dread, waiting for Dr.

Richard Kimble to be arrested at any moment, but also have a heart in their main character that many other thrillers do not.

Everyone gives the Fugitive movie a ton of acclaim, but its time that modern audiences gave the original show the respect that it deserves.

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