This Is ‘Game of Thrones’ Worst Scene

Game of Thrones is arguably the greatest series made in the 2010s, but it still had its fair share of terrible scenes and awful moments — especially towards the end, when the series grew past the George R.R.

Martin books in the story.

Whenever a beloved character died, it left us heartbroken, but these are often regarded as the best parts of the series.

On the other hand, some deaths were straight-up unforgivable, and one of those makes for the ultimate worst scene in the David Benioff and D.B.

Weiss-led series.

We’re talking about Shireen Baratheon’s (Kerry Ingram) death at the hands of her own father, Iron Throne contender Stannis (Stephen Dillane), in Episode 9 of Season 5, “The Dance of Dragons.”…

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