This New-to-Netflix Thai Thriller Will Keep You Guessing

The new-to-Netflix Thai thriller series Delete follows the story of a couple who resort to a mysterious phone camera, which literally deletes people from existence, in order to hide their affair from their partners.

Banking on a mysterious camera device that deletes the person being captured through it, Delete‘s story lets its dark themes take over as the characters struggle to make sense of the sudden disappearances that start taking place.

As the story unfolds, Delete moves beyond its simple premise to present a complex story dictated by character choices.

The story’s real hook lies in the secrets of the characters who try to get their hands on the mysterious camera phone that will let them keep their secrets hidden.

Layered with complexities arising from the situations that the characters create for themselves, Delete teases multiple themes to present an eight-episode-long captivating thriller that may just be the ideal…

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