‘Tokyo Pop’ Review: A Charming, Sparkling Story Of Romance, Music & Life Lost In Translation

From the moment “Home On The Range” became the defining song of the American West, accusations of plagiarism over its lyrics cast a shadow over its success.


Brewster Higley was eventually credited with the poem that became the eternal hit, and while it’s now the state song of Kansas, there was a time when Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico all made claims for the tune as their own.

When New York rocker Wendy (Carrie Hamilton) arrives in Tokyo, she winds up working as a hostess in a karaoke bar, despondently singing that very tune to a room full of enthusiastic (and drunk) Japanese salarymen.Continue reading ‘Tokyo Pop’ Review: A Charming, Sparkling Story Of Romance, Music & Life Lost In Translation at The Playlist.

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