‘Twisted Metal’ Live Action Series: What to Expect

It’s abundantly clear that video game movies and shows have finally found the power-up they’ve been looking for after so many years.

Gone are the days of bizarre and unfaithful adaptations like the 1993 Super Mario Bros.

film and the ill-conceived Halo series.

Now gamers (and studio executives) have plenty of reason to celebrate, with The Super Mario Bros.

Movie making over a billion dollars at the box office and HBO’s The Last of Us being a smash hit critical darling.

It’s more than likely that recent success in the genre has led to projects that were once in development hell getting a miraculous revival, such as the case with the upcoming Gears of War film finally gaining momentum.

Video game adaptations for film and television are pretty hot right now.

Still, things are about to get set ablaze with the release of the long-awaited chaotic video game adaptation, Twisted Metal.

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