What Liam Neeson’s Racial Comments Mean for His Upcoming Films and Future Job Prospects

As debate continues to rage over Liam Neeson’s racially-charged remarks, many in Hollywood are wondering anxiously what the fallout might mean for his upcoming films and the future of his career.

Some observers even think the interview could permanently damage his career.After he shared this week that, decades ago, a close friend revealed she was raped by a man of color and he considered committing violence against black men in revenge, Neeson attempted a quick rebound before the opening of his Lionsgate film “Cold Pursuit.” The explanation of his remarks weren’t enough to neutralize the impact, many felt, and social media users and industry players continued to call him a racist after he explained that he would have had the same reaction if his friend had said her rapist was a white man.“You are no hero for your admission.

You are a representative of racial terror,

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