Who Is Nymeria? The House Of The Dragon Legend Explained

This article contains spoilers for the first episode of “House of the Dragon.”In the premiere episode of the “Game of Thrones” prequel series “House of the Dragon,” young Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen (Milly Alcock) and her friend, Lady Alicent Hightower (Emily Carey), study the histories of their world together beneath the heart tree in the Godswood of King’s Landing.

Alicent thinks Rhaenyra hasn’t been paying attention, but she quickly impresses her friend by reciting the story they were discussing, complete with all of the details.

She recounts the tale of Nymeria, a warrior princess of the Rhoynar who helped found the nation that became Dorne.

If the name sounds familiar, that’s because Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) named her direwolf after the historic heroine.

But who is Princess Nymeria, and why does she so inspire the young girls of Westeros? In the guide to writer George R.


Martin’s world,

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